understanding cough in homeopathy part 2

Understanding Cough in Homeopathy – Part 2 (Therapeutics)

In continuation to my previous post on Understanding Cough in Homeopathy – Part 1, I have tried to explain the possible understanding of homeopathy in cough management. Before going deeper, let us recap the basic understanding of cough which was divided in 5 domains


Every case of cough is unique, but still we land up using the most common or frequently used remedies in our practice. Out of these frequently used remedies some even become our “Favourite remedies” as well. There is no harm, but it may limit our usage of other important remedies. 

Till the time we get an average to good response in cough we are very much satisfied. The challenge comes when cough / patient with cough stops responding to well selected remedies, or when we expect best results in the shortest possible time.

Let us try to dig the “quick” therapeutics of common cough remedies and their understanding w.r.t. above mentioned domains.

SCENARIO – 1: When the underlying “cause” of cough is clear i.e. we have evidence of any causative phenomenon such as active infection, inflammation, foreign body, allergy to a specific allergen (e.g. dust or milk etc.) etc. In this case the remedies are chosen on the basis of direct verified symptoms using knowledge and experience of Materia medica. For example we often use 

  • For whooping cough – Ammonium bromatum, Arnica, Bromium, Coccus cacti, Drosera, etc. 
  • For Croup – Aconite, Antim crud, Bryonia, Ferrum phos, Hepar sulph, Iodum Kali bi, Kali nit, Sambucus, Spongia, etc
  • For viral infections – Aconite, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, etc.

The point of understanding is to know the specific details and match them with medicines having similar affinity and domain of action (including symptoms verified during clinical verifications). This is probably the most common limitation at our part when we prescribe a remedy on disease name only.

The remedy repetition is usually high using low to moderate potencies in majority of the cases. 

SCENARIO – 2: Scenario 2 arises when patient has overcome the acute phase (s) (or causative phenomenon) and the cough still persists. Cough in such situations usually do not respond to well selected remedies. “Something remains”. This is common especially after viral fevers / post infections / post “xyz” – coughs. Also known as residual cough. The intensity somewhere lies between moderate to high. It lingers on. Even the smallest causation leave the patient with few months’ of non responsive cough. Chronicity is important. Under this we must work out remedies on the basis of their nature to penetrate the dynamic plane of an individual ie remedies which are deep acting. 

Remedies worth remembering here are:

  • Calcarea iod – chronic cough, with difficulty breathing, green purulent expectoration, remains after croup and pneumonia.
  • Causticum – Cough with hoarseness which remains for long, marked hawking and scanty expectoration. Cough with imperceptible passing of urine. 
  • Coccus cacti – Suffocative chronic coughs with bronchitis
  • Spongia – The perfect dry, chronic sympathetic cough.
  • etc

Here, I would like to mention the nervous cough which we discussed in the previous post – the cough where nervous part predominates. A state where patho-physiological phase of cough is over and it becomes a part of life of patient. Whenever patient thinks, becomes anxious, irritated – the cough appears. Terebinth and Spongia are two prominent remedies.

SCENARIO – 3: Scenario 3 comes when cough becomes an accessory symptoms along with other complaints. Imagine a patient started taking treatment for cough and gradually his / her cough relieved but another disease or condition rose i.e. the whole case took a different path – but cough remained (or relapsed). In such scenario, our main focus is usually a constitutional, temperamental or diathesis based prescription. In such cases try to find the remedies having affinity for both physical and mental symptoms of patient. Choose an intercurrent on the basis of tendencies, family & personal history, addictions & habits etc.


When it comes to treating cough – most of the time our main aim is to provide the symptomatic improvement, therefore, we are concerned with symptoms only. However, digging deeper might help us to tackle the real cause of cough i.e. the dynamic derangement. Therefore, look for the symptoms + causation + causative factors and also look for the medicines which improve and have particular affinity to that constitution and temperament. 

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Disclaimer: This post is not a medical consultation/endorsement. At no point in time, the information is given at this website to be adopted or modified for medical/legal consultation. For a consultation contact your healthcare provider or visit us at our website/clinic. (c) Dr Saurav Arora.

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