Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
Computers – from a luxury to a hardcore necessity, they are now our friends, enemy, companion and what not! The IT has revolutionised how we perceive and execute things.
This piece of information – “Computer Aided Learning in Organon” was presented a DECADE back! (April 2011). Now If I look back to the future, I feel a lot has been achieved but a lot more is yet to be explored. (Download link at the end)
From organon point of view this piece of work was a thinking out of the box. I still remember the delivery of content in that era was influenced using conventional modes of teaching and delivering of content. The expectations of both teachers and learners used to be repeated readings and remembering all things by heart (even if they are voluminous).
Homeopathic softwares were very well in fashion ten years back but primarily for Materia medica and Repertorial usage. For organon they were reliable source for searching things quickly, but from learning point of view the traditional methods were predominant. There was a reluctancy in using computer aided learning owing to limited access to softwares, internet, lack of exposure, or may be lack of interest.
But the evolution was already setting in. The need was arising to sensitize people about the utility of the technology, and things were to change the inertia.
The information PPT was presented highlighting the key point of using the technology in learning, with special emphasis on organon of medicine. Highlights were made of utility of technology for making teaching and learning fast. The key point was to point out that we should ease out digitalization and promote easy use of digitalization. Resource materials are available since centuries, but it only need few minutes or seconds to access information if it is digitized.
Today, not only we have resources on our tips, but we have networks at our service.
Overall, this piece of information was well appreciated. I won’t say it revolutionized the education system and delivery of content in teaching and learning homeopathy, but it was surely a small step which imperceptibly shaped things.
Sometime ripples are enough to break the inertia. This was probably the ripple, going silent and sensitizing the system.
Today, we are again in the loop where we started. Resources have grown tremendously, access is easier, execution is targeted. We need to improve our teaching and learning methods using these resources and keeping a pace in the journey of evolution.
Hope this would be reviewed again after a decade!
Way to go!
Would love your thoughts on this.
Dr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher.