Usually I teach my students to use the logic in homeopathy in each scenario – be it case taking, understanding the disease, prescription, line of treatment or even deciding intercurrent, miasmatic remedies.
While most of us are cautious in taking case, analysis, prescription, we often tend to mis-guide ourselves while coming to second prescriptions and line of treatment.
Adamancy is quite common especially increasing with age, experience and financial worth. It is extremely hard to enter an intellectual discussion with a senior homeopath, especially the one who has achieved a position in society.
Homeopathy is an art, and this art need practice. The moment we enter, “My prescription is the ONLY right prescription in the hall” is the moment adamancy subtly but strongly rusts our inner self.
I have observed over two decades (the moment I enter as a student of homeopathy) people rising and achieving an advantageous position. Very few retained their adaptive nature over the time. It’s fun and learning talking to them. And for others usually majority of us ends in “Oh My God, why I started the discussion?”
Many a times adamancy not only reflects in prescriptions but in follow up too. “No need to get tests done!” Why?? Just because we follow patient symptomatically doesn’t mean biochemical or other investigations are not required. Before being bounded by common sense and law we are bounded to inner voice.
Time is changing, so we must evolve and rise. We must adapt before we are gone with the wind.
Be adaptive but be clear.
Be adaptive but be dedicated.
Be adaptive but be contended.
Being adaptive doesn’t mean losing one own identity but is to make one unique identity.
Don’t misuse “being adaptive” like a double-edged sword. Being adaptive doesn’t give anyone every right to misuse own or other systems.
Being adaptive means being vibrant and open within a system and using things with a logic and ethic.
Long topic short, be adaptive and not adamant!
Would love your thoughts.
Dr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher.
Congratulations for the nice article
Being adaptive is good but we should not deviate from the cardinal laws of homeopathy otherwise homeopathy will become allopathy which has no fixed principles or laws
Regarding follow up tests, if the patient is feeling mentally and physically better his tests will automatically become normal so it’s up to you to tell him to go for tests or not
Thank you for your valuable feedback sir.
Yes I believe the same. But with the changes in the lab values, patient’s trust on our pathy increases manifold and it adds to our data too. Why not take help of the technology available in terms of softwares, investigations yet retaining the essence of Homoepathy which is a simple, minimum single remedy prescription.
Very well said Dr Mallika. We must retain our individuality.