The clinical difference between Phosphorus and Acid Phos in cases of weakness is that the Acid phos weakness is more on physical plane and of Phosphorus is on physical and mental plane as well.
For example,
A person feels exhausted after easy exertion or all day work, out of proportion, the materia classically describes – “lies like a log”.
Whereas, Phosphorus does not want to exert or to go to his duties (even starting in morning). Has weakness, debility on easy exertion owing to physical appearance and “will” as well.
This is the reason why phosphorus can be a normal built person or an overweight or obese even, whereas Acids are usually lean, thin, cachectic.

Dr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher.