Today’s tip is in continuation to a previous post asking about a remedy that Hughes named this remedy as Vegetable Mercury; acts primarily on skin; has leather like swabs with pus-like material underneath and has night aggravations.
This indicated remedy of choice between
A) Gun powder
B) Echinacea
C) Mezereum
D) Syphilinum
Is – Mezereum.
In Mezereum we find intolerable itching, which is close to Sulphur, but then again it is the circumstantial prescription where we give more weightage to the type of eruptions & character more than itching itself. If only itching is the presentation, we have important other remedies to compare such as Sulphur and Dolichos.
But in Mezereum we find itching which is more towards night (thus Syphilinum is compared). The eruptions are characteristic vesicular types of eruptions followed by ulceration and thick swabs. This thickness is the keyword, thick like leather (compare Antim crud). This indicates super added infections. Pus with scabs – it means the superficial layers of skin are invaded and infection has gone deep. And since there is much destruction of the tissue with night aggravation – Syphilinum is the next most apt remedy in such situations. Moreover, Syph is more of anti-miasmatic prescription, especially in conditions where the condition of the patient is gone beyond symptoms.
The next remedy to compare is the Gunpowder. Gunpowder as a general remedy is used in abscesses, boils, carbuncles etc. In conditions where the skin infection has become chronic in nature. But honestly speaking I could not find much of verified literature of its PQRS symptoms. No doubt it’s a remedy of marvel, but only on the name of disease and is frequently used as a supportive therapy in such conditions. The beauty of the remedy is that is used (usually) in lower trituration and dilutions, therefore, we can safely use it in repeated dosage stand-alone or as a supportive therapy in chronic, terminal cases.
Similarly, Echinacea is used for recurring boils, carbuncles, insect bites, thus is aptly called as Antiseptic in homeopathy. It is also used either in local application, or in lower dilutions to tackle the infections of skin.
There are plenty of remedies for skin infections, boils, carbuncles etc, but in absence of characteristic symptoms, or where the case assume either one-sided or terminal, we should be open to use clinically targeted remedies.
PS: Since homeopathic Materia Medica is vast like sea, the prominent, clinically verified aspects must be studied. The points given above are indicative and not exhaustive. Do share your views.
Disclaimer: This post is not a medical consultation/endorsement. At no point in time, the information is given at this website to be adopted or modified for medical/legal consultation. For a consultation contact your healthcare provider or visit us at our website/clinic. (c) Dr Saurav Arora.
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MM Tips by Dr Saurav Arora
Dr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher.
Helpful piece of information.. Thank you very much sir 🙏🏻