
Colchicinum Homeopathy Uses | Podcast Episode 12

Materia Medica Tips – 37  (To listen as Podcast scroll at the end) Colchicinum (Colchicine) C22H25NO6 Synonyms: English: (S)-N-(5,6,7,9-Tetrahydro-1,2,3,10-tetramethoxy-9-oxobenzo[a] heptalen-7-yl) acetamide; French: Colchicine. Description: Colchicinum is a major alkaloid of Colchicum autumnale L (Meadow saffron), the dried corm of which contains 0.3-0.5% of colchicine. The isolated compound is in the form of pale yellow, amorphous scales […]

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The Eye Symptoms of Physostigma and Ruta

Materia Medica Tip – 36 Today’s materia medica tip revolves around the eye symptoms of two important remedies, namely, Physostigma and Ruta. Whereas many of us use Physostigma and Ruta for various eye complaints (including some non-verifed claims of refractory errors corrections), we might not be exploring the in-depth use of these remedies. The classical

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Popular and Academic Writing in Homeopathy | Writing popular and scholarly articles | Podcast Episode 9

“Publications are good to read, difficult to understand, hard to be written” Dr Saurav Arora, MDDr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher. sauravarora.com

Popular and Academic Writing in Homeopathy | Writing popular and scholarly articles | Podcast Episode 9 Read More »

Struggling with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms – Homeopathy is here to Help | Podcast Episode 8

Materia Medica Tips – 34 Acute Alcohol Withdrawal is a challenge. The abrupt cessation of alcohol may result in varying degree of symptoms, from mild, moderate to severe in intensity. The withdrawal symtoms may be tackled with homeopathy, without any side effects. Listen the podcast to know more about acute alcohol withdrawal, its symptoms and

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potency selection in homeopathy

How to Select A Potency in Homeopathy | Podcast Episode 7

Materia Medica Tips – 32 | Podcast Listen to views of Dr Saurav Arora on an important topic in Homeopathy – How to select a potency? Dr Saurav Arora, MDDr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher having 17+ years of experience as a clinician, researcher, and a teacher. sauravarora.com

How to Select A Potency in Homeopathy | Podcast Episode 7 Read More »

Podcasts by Dr Saurav Arora

You can now listen and subscribe to Podcasts by Dr Saurav Arora on major Podcast Sites: Google Podcast https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2F1cmF2YXJvcmEuY29tL2ZlZWQvcG9kY2FzdC8 Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/health-homeopathy-and-research/id1476799076?mt=2&ls=1 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/15UH6Zb2dpLq8nkv4FIXpe Stitcher https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dr-saurav-arora/health-homeopathy-and-research?refid=stpr Latest Episode – Air Pollution and Homeopathy for Related Diseases (including Therapeutics). For other subscription options please visit https://sauravarora.com/studyclub/ Dr Saurav Arora, MDDr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed

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Air Pollution and Role of Homeopathy in Related Diseases | Podcast Episode 6

Materia Medica Tips – 31 | Podcast Air pollution is now becoming a global problem. Let us understand what Air Pollution constitutes and how homeopathy can help in air pollution related diseases including therapeutics of most used homeopathic remedies. Dr Saurav Arora, MDDr. Saurav Arora is an internationally acclaimed medical homeopath, consultant, and independent researcher

Air Pollution and Role of Homeopathy in Related Diseases | Podcast Episode 6 Read More »

what is homeopathy

What is Homeopathy – An Introduction to Homeopathy | Podcast Episode 5

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine based on the philosophy of like cures like. It was founded in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. It has gained a substantial popularity all over world due to its clinical efficacy, and scientific basis. Let us listen to basics about Homeopathy in this podcast. Dr Saurav Arora, MDDr. Saurav

What is Homeopathy – An Introduction to Homeopathy | Podcast Episode 5 Read More »

Nosodes in Homeopathy

Nosodes in Homeopathy | 13 Questions and Answers You Would Not Like to Miss | Podcast Episode 4

PODCAST Episode 4 Nosodes, the homeopathic preparations from inactivated organic materials, our day to day clinical companion, are used in almost every prescription at certain point of time. Listen to the 13 questions that were part of the survey on Nosodes which was undertaken to understand the in depth study of nosodes usage in clinics!

Nosodes in Homeopathy | 13 Questions and Answers You Would Not Like to Miss | Podcast Episode 4 Read More »

Down Syndrome Diagnosis, Treatment, Management, and Homeopathic Treatment – Info You Need to Know | Episode 3

Materia Medica Tips – 26 | Podcast Listen to Latest Podcast by Dr Saurav Arora on Down Syndrome – The Info You Need to Know. Subscribe to MM Tips right into Your Inbox via Whatsapp Not on Whatsapp – Subscribe to various other ways including email, FB, RSS feed etc here. For other Posts and

Down Syndrome Diagnosis, Treatment, Management, and Homeopathic Treatment – Info You Need to Know | Episode 3 Read More »

health, homeopathy and research podcast by dr saurav arora

Health, Homeopathy and Research – Excerpts of Dr Saurav Arora Interview by Dr. Isabelle Grote, UK | Episode 2

Listen to Excerpts of Dr Saurav Arora’s Interview by Dr. Isabelle Grote, UK on various issues related to Health, Homeopathy and Research, and promoting research worldwide. The interview was conducted during the Open Homeopathy Session by Registration Society of Homoeopathy, United Kingdom, Jan 2018. Podcasts by Dr Saurav Arora, Episode 2   Dr Saurav Arora,

Health, Homeopathy and Research – Excerpts of Dr Saurav Arora Interview by Dr. Isabelle Grote, UK | Episode 2 Read More »

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